Saturday 30 March 2013

The Art and Crafts Movement

The art and crafts movement developed in England during the late 19th century, this style was taken up by American designers. In United States this movement was called the mission style. This style was inspired by the social change by John Ruskin together with William Morris.

John Ruskin born on February 8 1819 in London and died on the 20th of January 1900 in Lancashire, he was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era, draughtsman and a water-colourist.

William Morris was born on the 24th march in 1834 in London and died on October 3 1896 in London. He was en English textile designer. He is associated with the Pre- Raphael's  brotherhood, and English arts, and crafts movement.

At this time manufactured goods were very poor in design and quality. Ruskin and Morris wanted the workers to be inspired; because of this the worker could produce beautiful objects. The goal of this was to create good design for the people. The craftsmen could make objects which could improve people’s life. The ideas from the designs were from the medieval Europe and Islamic sources. Japanese ideas were also used to the early art and craft forms. The forms of the art and crafts movement were mainly rectilinear and angular. William Morris and Charles Voysey were important because they were the first to introduce this.

Charles Francis Annesley Voysey was an English architecture and furniture and textile designer, he was born in Yorkshire 1857 and died in 1941 in Winchester.

The designer Owen Jones published a book called ‘The Grammar of ornament ‘which was a book of historic decorative design elements. At this time the English art and crafts wasn't so far in front, they had problems with craftsmanship and mass marketing.  Decorative pieces which could only be bought by rich people, the idea of this art for the people it didn't make sense and not a lot of craftsmen could be employed because they needed to be fine craftsman.  The English art and crafts had another word which was the aesthetic style for arts and crafts. In United States the art and crafts of design were  realising the expense of fine craftsman, Gustav Stickley tried to employ middle class consumers which means good craftsman were needed. By using factory methods for the basic joints and the craftsmen for the finishing’s and he produced good furniture which still survives.

The Arts and Crafts Movement. 2013. The Arts and Crafts Movement. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 March 2013].

Friday 22 March 2013

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria  
queen victoria 

Queen Victoria was born at Kensington palace in London on the 24th of May in 1819. She is the only daughter of Edward Duke of Kent. Her father died just after she was born so she didn’t know him as much. Because of this she became inherited to the throne because her uncles didn’t have children who survived. She used to love drawing and painting and she had a gift for it and was educated at home, she always had a journal which she used to write every day. When her Uncle William’s died she became queen at the age of 18.  She was inspired and influenced by two men, the first prime minister, Lord Melbourne and her husband, Prince Albert whom she married in 1840.  Prince Albert took interest in art and science, trade and industry project which was the great exhibition. In their marriage they had nine children between 1840 and 1857 most of her children married rich families from Europe. She bought a house which was called the Osborne house as a family home in 1845.  She was obsessed with her husband and after he died, she sank into a depression; he was aged 42 in 1861. Until the 1860’s she didn’t appear in public because of the death of her husband. She was criticised for living alone and out of site and she was persuaded to open parliament. Seven attempts were made but these attempts made her stronger between 1840 -1882. She continued her public duties because of her attention of her family and prime minister.
She told her prime ministers to intervene in the Prussia-Australia Denmark and created a war. After this popularity grew from 1870’s onwards. She started to give woman the opportunity to vote on social issues, she used as well royal commission as housing. She supported a lot of charity events involved in education hospitals and other areas. Victoria went to a trip with her family and used the trains for the first time. In her later years they called her the symbol of empire because of her success, she continued to make her duties although she was old. She died in her Osborne house ain 1901 22nd of January, she was buried at Windsor beside Prince Albert and her last words were ‘farewell best beloved here at last I shall rest with thee with thee in Christ I shall rise again. She reigned for 64 years and she is the one who reigned the most. 

prince Albert 

house of Osborne

bibliography: 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2013].

Thursday 21 March 2013

the pre- Raphaelites

The Pre-Raphaelites were a group of English painters, poets and critics. Their goal was to re-form art. These English painters believed that the classical poses and the elegant compositions had been changing the teaching of art; they wanted to return to the intense colour and the detail. They defined themselves as the changing of the movement.

How it started?
The first meeting started in London in 1848 in john Millais parents’ house and john Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman hunt were present and the first meeting, Hunt and Millais studied at the same school at the royal academy of art and met in the society of sketching and then they shared lodgings in Cleveland street in London. Rosette loved poetry and his goal was to combine poetry and art together. By autumn four other members joined the group, James collision, Frederic George Stephens, Rossetti’s brother, William Michael Rossetti and Thomas Woolner. They decided to keep the group a secret to the school.
The pre-Raphaelites means literature and art because they used to read poems and the expressions used to go on the painting to show the expressions. One of the members Ruskin left a great effect on the British, America and European art.

How the public reacted to these artists?
After 1850 the artists became the controversy after the exhibition of millias with the painting the Christ in the house of his parents, Dickens who is a critic said that Mary to be very ugly, millias used his sister as his modell mary. The detail in his painting was said to be very ugly and not good for the eye, according to dickens the family looks like that they are alcoholics.
Christ in the house of his parents by john Everett Millais 1850.

After this Collinson left the group and the group discussed if they should replace him by Charles but they didn’t make the decision, the group disbanded which means they broke but this movement continued and was supported by the critic john Ruskin. Ruskin praised it because of nature and rejection were influenced by Ruskin theories and he wrote on the times defending their work.

Bibliography: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2013].

Pre-Raphaelites: An Introduction. 2013. Pre-Raphaelites: An Introduction. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2013].

Friday 8 March 2013

what is the picturesque ?

What is the picturesque??
The picturesque describes the visual arts this means landscapes and views of reality it shows the same emotions of romanticism. The term picturesque comes from the word pittoresco from italion which means ‘as in a picture’. At the time nobody was certain what the picturesque was about. From the year which it was invented the definition of the term changed a lot. The artists who began the picturesque were Claude Lorrain 1600 -1682 and Nicolas Poussin 1594 -1655, their work show elements of nature and landscapes and strong visual arts landscapes gardening and architecture. It was an invention of the British and the British were the first tourists. The picturesque became popular from travelling of the grand tour; the grand tour was the trip to Europe who upper class young men used to go on and these men was seeing landscapes. This era began tourism which means of travelling and seeing more landscapes. This is the time were they used to experiment with landscapes views.  This time shows the same term of romanticism nature is freedom.

Claude Lorrain:   he was a French painter, he spend most of his life in Italy and he is known for his landscapes he was born on 1600 or 1604 and died on the 21 November or 23 aged 82 or 77. He was in the movement of baroque but then broke from it and he is famous for picturesque, landscapes and he was influenced by J.M.W Turner, John constable.


The embarkation of the queen of Sheba 1648

Landscape with Apollo guarding the herds of Admetus and mercury steeling them 1645
You can see that in both of them nature and perspective which shows the landscapes are much of evidence of this era and even how they used to live.

Bibliography: The picturesque - history,theory and definition. 2013. The picturesque - history,theory and definition. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013]. 

Grand Tour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Grand Tour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013].

Claude Lorrain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Claude Lorrain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 March 2013].

Tuesday 5 March 2013


It was a school in Germany which used to consist of crafts and fine arts and was knows as a success in design. It began to operate from 1919 to 1933. The founder was Walter Gropius in Weimar. The school in its first years didn’t have architecture. The idea in which it was created is to make a new work of art and create new art. It had a great big influence in architectural design, graphic design and interior design, industrial design and typography. When the leadership changed everything change as the people who wanted to attend not all of them did because he changed it to a private school.
 Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Bauhaus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 March 2013]

Sunday 3 March 2013

Vivienne Westwood:
She was born on April 8th 1941, she English fashion designer and a business woman because she owns a lot of shops. She is responsible for modern punk and she changed it and made it better. She got noticed when she made clothes for mc Laren’s boutique. She opened four shops in London and moved her shops to united kingdom and the world.

Westwood in 2008

 A pair of heels designed by Westwood 1993

Chadwick and Spector: “my body is the art”

They are from new York and now based in Chiang mai, Thailand
Chadwick is the model which she paints him by art and uses him as her canvas she uses water based theatre make up. The man stays still until she finishes him so it is difficult to not move and need experience.

Filippos margaraitis’s painting of Sappho praying to Aphrodite is painted on chadwicks body.

 Vivienne Westwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Vivienne Westwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

Chadwick Gray becomes world's most famous paintings as partner Laura Spector paints her naked body | Mail Online. 2013. Chadwick Gray becomes world's most famous paintings as partner Laura Spector paints her naked body | Mail Online. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

Chadwick Gray and Laura Spector - YouTube. 2013. Chadwick Gray and Laura Spector - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

realism: direct observations

The artists of that time used to meet in France in a bar called temple de realism in the late 1840s.  Realism emerged in hard times and political difficulties. The painters of realism always wanted to achieve what they saw, their observation. They used to go on the site to paint and they used to use little zinc paint tubes which helped a lot to carry around, they used to call it the portable studio because they used to go everywhere and paint. They moved completely through the smooth style taken from neoclassicism this prepared for the style impressionism. After the third revolution took place and many people died on the streets and the artist used to show this in realism to show the real life they had back then. In the mid nineteenth century Courbet caused panic when he wanted to exhibit his work and they didn't let him because it was showing reality too much and was different from the art they seen before.

Jean-François Millet the gleaners:

1857 oil on canvas,83.5 x 111 cm 
The painting was done in the evening because there is the red evening glow. In this painting he is giving dignity to the women. Millet’s style shows beauty and the real life even though when life isn't that good. .

Gustav Courbet, The stone-breakers:  1851 oil on canvas  159 x 259 cm (lost in war )
The painting was made in his home town in Ornan. In this painting he is trying to the hard work of the people in the hot sun. Their clothes show that they are working hard because of their clothes because they are thorn and patched up clothes. The brush strokes on the painting seems to be with the dust of the road, he re defined his role in society by showing everyday life.

Bibliography:  The Stone Breakers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. 2013. The Stone Breakers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013]

The Gleaners - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. The Gleaners - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

konemann (1955). the story of painting from the renaissance to the present . german: detlev schaper. 6-128.

The industrial revolution:   struggle of life but a change in life.
It occurred in the late 18th century and early in the 20th century. It was a time of manufacturing process which means many new machines were made and invented. Improvement in water power occurred. It began in Britain and moved to the Western Europe and United States. The daily lives of the people were influenced in the means of more jobs but there were advantages and disadvantages to the industrial revolution which are: disadvantages: people who worked as ploughing farms didn't have their jobs because this was replaced by machines, the urban areas weren't very clean because of the pollution, rich people used to get people who didn't have a job in their houses to live there and this caused less privacy for everybody, kids used to work as well because they needed small people and small hands to manage some machines. Advantages: more work in the cities, steam engine used to give unlimited power day and night.

Steam engine:   a steam engine produces heat using steam; boiling water was added to create mechanical motion. It was a major source of power. To work the engine you needed water, coil or wood fluid. After a century in 1883 this machine could provide 10,000 HP which was applied to vehicles, traction engines and railway locomotives. Today steam turbines are still used with a 90 %of their power and with a variety of heat sources in united states.
Watt steam engine, fuelled by coal

A steam locomotive in Germany 1942-1950 began to be used in 1998
Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

Steam engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Steam engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].


Neoclassicism:  neoclassicism began in Rome and began in the late eighteenth century to the nineteenth century. This art is inspired by the classical Greek Roman art and most of all, the antique. In this art the preferred subjects were portraits, landscapes and all of those painting which are related and show political and social matters in the way of life.  The capital city Rome became the centre in which all of the artists met. Just like the French revolution, neoclassicism made a new era.
Jacques- Louis David:
He was born on the 30th of august in 1748 in France Paris and he died on the 29th of December 1825. He was considered to be an outstanding painter than the others and the painter of the new era. He was a dictator of the French and then he was imprisoned after the government was changed because Robespierre fell from his power. Until he was out of prison he developed his style and had a lot of artists behind him who helped him.

 A portrait of Jacques- Louis David.

Oath of the Horatii
In this painting you can see that he was involved in the political events of the time. His art can only be understand if you only understand the French revolution and Napoleonic age which means when Napoleon was the emperor of the French. The combination of this art and the politics created a new art which was completely different and changed at. This painting is based on the world of Rome.

Bibliography:  the story of art :konemann (1995). the story of painting from the renaissance to the present . german: detlev schaper. 6-128.

Jacques-Louis David - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Jacques-Louis David - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013]

Napoleon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Napoleon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].