Sunday 3 March 2013

The industrial revolution:   struggle of life but a change in life.
It occurred in the late 18th century and early in the 20th century. It was a time of manufacturing process which means many new machines were made and invented. Improvement in water power occurred. It began in Britain and moved to the Western Europe and United States. The daily lives of the people were influenced in the means of more jobs but there were advantages and disadvantages to the industrial revolution which are: disadvantages: people who worked as ploughing farms didn't have their jobs because this was replaced by machines, the urban areas weren't very clean because of the pollution, rich people used to get people who didn't have a job in their houses to live there and this caused less privacy for everybody, kids used to work as well because they needed small people and small hands to manage some machines. Advantages: more work in the cities, steam engine used to give unlimited power day and night.

Steam engine:   a steam engine produces heat using steam; boiling water was added to create mechanical motion. It was a major source of power. To work the engine you needed water, coil or wood fluid. After a century in 1883 this machine could provide 10,000 HP which was applied to vehicles, traction engines and railway locomotives. Today steam turbines are still used with a 90 %of their power and with a variety of heat sources in united states.
Watt steam engine, fuelled by coal

A steam locomotive in Germany 1942-1950 began to be used in 1998
Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

Steam engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Steam engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2013].

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