Thursday 21 March 2013

the pre- Raphaelites

The Pre-Raphaelites were a group of English painters, poets and critics. Their goal was to re-form art. These English painters believed that the classical poses and the elegant compositions had been changing the teaching of art; they wanted to return to the intense colour and the detail. They defined themselves as the changing of the movement.

How it started?
The first meeting started in London in 1848 in john Millais parents’ house and john Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman hunt were present and the first meeting, Hunt and Millais studied at the same school at the royal academy of art and met in the society of sketching and then they shared lodgings in Cleveland street in London. Rosette loved poetry and his goal was to combine poetry and art together. By autumn four other members joined the group, James collision, Frederic George Stephens, Rossetti’s brother, William Michael Rossetti and Thomas Woolner. They decided to keep the group a secret to the school.
The pre-Raphaelites means literature and art because they used to read poems and the expressions used to go on the painting to show the expressions. One of the members Ruskin left a great effect on the British, America and European art.

How the public reacted to these artists?
After 1850 the artists became the controversy after the exhibition of millias with the painting the Christ in the house of his parents, Dickens who is a critic said that Mary to be very ugly, millias used his sister as his modell mary. The detail in his painting was said to be very ugly and not good for the eye, according to dickens the family looks like that they are alcoholics.
Christ in the house of his parents by john Everett Millais 1850.

After this Collinson left the group and the group discussed if they should replace him by Charles but they didn’t make the decision, the group disbanded which means they broke but this movement continued and was supported by the critic john Ruskin. Ruskin praised it because of nature and rejection were influenced by Ruskin theories and he wrote on the times defending their work.

Bibliography: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2013].

Pre-Raphaelites: An Introduction. 2013. Pre-Raphaelites: An Introduction. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2013].

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